Monday, April 28, 2008

The Daily Mail

is currently giving away DVDs of British WWII classic films: Above us the Waves, Malta Story, We Dive at Dawn...presumably to lift morale and remind us that we have a heritage that contains greater values than the shoddy ones commonly accepted as the norm.

I don't think that people in the Britain of the 1940s could have imagined a Britain where it would be deemed controversial to give children hot cross buns (because the buns have crosses on them, a Christian symbol, disliked by Islam) , where hop-scotch and games of conkers would be banned in some schools because children might graze their knees or knuckles (contrary to "health and safety regulations"), where homosexual activity would be actively promoted by local authorities and schoolchildren instructed in sexual techniques with the aid of films enthusing over unmarried parenthood...and where voicing opposition to this is officially regarded as either quaint and a bit bigoted, or downright sinister...

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