Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My bike and I...

...feature on a website which also includes a number of other features you might enjoy reading. Connect here.

Yesterday I cycled into Kingston to give a talk to a group at County Hall. A lovely bright day, and two barristers in wigs and gowns were standing talking in the gardens in front of the Court. I enjoyed a cup of freshly-made coffee before being taken to deliver the lecture: it all felt very civilised. On the surface of things, life in Britain on an April morning is a delight.

Email from a friend whose child is about to go to a big Catholic comprehensive school - the school feels obliged to be part of a ghastly official scheme called "Connexions" which offers (no, I'm not inventing this) "free condoms" and "advice for lesbian, gay and bisexual young people". Parents can sign an opt-out form - but surely no Catholic school should have anything to do with this horrible scheme in the first place? (Yes, she has taken it up with the school governors. But this also calls for action from our Bishops to make a clear and strong policy decision uniting all Catholic schools).


Anonymous said...

Re bicycles. If you had been able to learn how to drive would you hold these views?

Anonymous said...

The trouble is, Connexions do some good things, too. It is a Connexions adviser who is working to get funding for my learning-disabled daughter to attend a further education college. The main purpose of the organisation is to offer careers advice - the other stuff is tacked on because the government is obsessed with it.

Anonymous said...

Yes I made sure my girls were opted out! The school promised me it was a mistake sending out the connexions brochure..I wander if the other 996 girls are still opted in?

Re cycling...I'm about to make my first big journey to Rednal..Newman's grave. I hope I don't need the paramedics!!

Anonymous said...

My theory is that cars are an enemy to philosophy, because you can't think and drive at the same time.
However, though car-less but licenced, I am not achieving much in my life at present.

Being without a vehicle turns you into a sort of sub-citizen. You cannot go anywhere that is off the bus routes, or even on the bus routes but unfamiliar. I don't cycle now, although I used to when I worked in the countryside.

Anonymous said...

I know of Catholic schools in our diocese who have the Brook advisory service providing the Personal and Social Education lessons which includes contraception etc....they are a horrible pro abortion service well loved of the Labour government.Surely the Bishop shoulds step in and prevent this sort of abuse of our cHildren?

Anonymous said...

Why not name and shame the school - or at least the town and/or diocese? And the same for any other schools which your faihtful readers know does a similar heinous act?

Kate said...

Shameful as it is, the laxity of Catholic schools in these matters is nothing new.I suspect it occurs in most dioceses, except perhaps, Lancaster.In Plymouth Diocese the advice to Catholic primaries seeking suitable sex education resources seems to be to use the disgusting channel4 presentation 'Living and Growing'.One wonders if the bishops ever actually check on what their advisors are doing in the name of Catholic Education.