Thursday, October 22, 2009

For a very good analysis...

...of what the new Catholic/Anglican plan will mean, read this from an Anglican Rite parish in the USA. And another perspective with useful insights comes from Fr Dwight Lngenecker who as always offers wisdom and humour...


Stuart said...

It has been rather difficult to get objective analysis of this historic & joyful move, but perhaps the funniest comment comes from the "GetReligion" website:-

Do you think he [Pope] will ask the Anglicans to give back many of the Catholic churches that they seized so long ago (including one in the village of Mattingly, to cite an example)?

You will have to forgive my strange sense of humour :)

Matthew Ignatius said...

I think it is good the Pope is making it easier for the Anglican communities to enter into the Catholic Church. My fear, however, which was raised in an article in the New York Times here in the USA is if an influx of married clergy shift from the Anglican to the Catholic tradition. My fear would be that the presence of so many married priests within the Roman Rite would increase pressure to remove the celibacy requirement for clerics and religious in the Roman Rite, a move I would staunchly oppose. I myself am a religious of the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor and thus live the celibate life myself and have seen in the Church, especially in the United States, the push towards removing this requirement, which I think would be a disaster for the priesthood and it would all but eliminate the need for religious life in the Church.