Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I spent today underground...

...or semi-underground. But with freshly-brewed coffee, around a pleasant table. We were in the crypt of the Church of our Most Holy Redeemer and St Thomas More in Chelsea, and were busy packing and posting leaflets for the  Association of Catholic Women, The Association is holding a Lenten Day of Recollection on Saturday March 5th at St James Church, Spanish Place, 10 am - 4pm. All welcome. 

The ACW runs an annual project for Catholic primary schools and so we were also busy tackling the brochures for that. A quiet and useful day...

This crypt has a poignant history. During World War II it served as an air raid shelter but, tragically, in September 1940 the church took a direct hit...you can read about it here...

After the war the main part of the crypt was filled in, and the rest rebuilt as a parish hall. In recent years it has been remodelled again, with a modern kitchen etc...and has been named in honoured memory of a popular parishioner, a young husband and father, Jonathan Monckton, who was murdered by gunmen trying to burgle his home.

As we finished our work, parish catechist Patti Fordyce was busy setting things ready for the children's weekly class, which is following the Good Shepherd (Montesorri) plan. Beautiful home-made figures of  Mary and the Angel in a little Nazareth house. A Shepherd and his sheepfold, and lambs that follow him as they hear his voice...

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