Wednesday, April 06, 2016


...was the subject of the firat talk in the new series of Evenings of Faith, held this evening at the hall at St Mary of the Angels Church in Baywater. This new series of talks is being held at two venues alternately: Bayswater and Brompton Oratory. The talk this evening  filled the room, extra chairs brought in etc. Sister Andrea Fraile was the speaker and tackled the subject well, exploring first the nature of what a Sacrament is and emphasising the reality of Christ among us, with us, in us, in the Church...

As with all FAITH events, things went on in a lively talkative way over wine and due course Sister Andrea and I made our way to The Borough London Bridge where she was being given accomodation for the night before returning to Glasgow the next day. Again, a warm welcome, hospitality, and lots of good and useful talk...out of such discussions, mny good ideas often emerge, swapping of information and initiatives...

The FAITH Movement has always attracted a lot of men, and has been a focus for many priestly vocations over the past three or four decades. Of course women attend too...and the Sisters of the Gospel of Life - of which Sister Andrea is a member -  the first new religious order to be founded in Scotland since the 16th century, has direct links with the FAITH Movement.

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